Coronavirus Disease 2019
(COVID-19) Spiritual Resources

The resources provided here are for your spiritual well-being. You will find several sermons that may answer your questions and give you comfort in these uncertain and trying times. We have also provided prayers you can read out loud. Finally, our church's synod, the WELS, has posted more resources for facing COVID-19.

For your physical well-being, we encourage you to follow the instructions and advice given by your local government and health officials. You may also find useful information on the CDC's website and the WHO's website.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

— Romans 8:28


Sermons are lessons prepared and delivered by Pastor Schurman using passages directly from the Bible. Each sermon is around 20 minutes long, and each lesson always includes a reminder of our need for a savior and the reassurance that Jesus is our savior.

The sermons listed here have specific applications and references to the current COVID-19 pandemic; however, you may find comfort in other sermons as well, so after listening to these ones, we encourage you to visit our full sermon archive.


Prayers are our way of communicating with God, and He instructs us to bring our problems and questions to Him in prayer.

A Personal Prayer

The eyes of all look to you, dear Lord, and you open your hand and satisfy their every need. As the coronavirus continues to spread in my nation and throughout the world, I pray that you guard and keep me during this troubling time. Help me to be a good steward and to practice the hygiene that prevents this from spreading.

As people become afraid and start hoarding supplies and toiletries, I ask you to keep me from embracing such selfishness, but let me be a living example of trust in your daily providence. Help me to identify those who need the assurance of your Word and share it with them. While science shows it is best that we practice social distancing, please let me encourage and be encouraged by my brothers and sisters in Christ, so that none of us feel alone.

If it be your will that I contract this virus, please give me the encouragement of your Word that I may trust that you have a good plan even in the face sickness. I am bold to pray this because you sent your son to conquer the worst disease of all, he bore my sin and has made me your child. Through him I am clean and you have adopted me as your own dear child.


A Prayer for Medical Workers

Gracious Lord, we thank you for doctors, nurses, and other medical workers, who expose themselves to danger by taking care of those who have been infected by the coronavirus. As our nation runs to buy up protective masks, gloves, and other medical protections, we ask you to work through our industry to produce more, but also work through the hearts of those who are being selfish so that the needed protections may be restocked throughout our hospitals, labs, and doctor's offices.

Please prevent our medical workers from becoming sick with this virus and spare the life of those who have already become infected by it. We thank you as we hear of heroic doctors and nurses who are retired, but have offered to expose themselves during this time in order to provide our nation with more trained medical workers. While you use them to provide for our physical health, please provide brothers and sisters in Christ to provide for their spiritual health.

In your Son's name we pray.
